She described the relationship between the Office and Parliament as one that was necessary and highly beneficial in enhancing cooperation and effective oversight.
“Watchdog Committees and the Office of the Auditor-General have mutual dependency; a symbiotic relationship. The Committees depends on the Office to provide accurate, insightful and timely audit reports and the Office depends on the Committees to enforce the recommendations and follow up on their implementation,” she said, asking for Parliament’s support for effective discharge of the Office’s role”.
Among the areas the Auditor-General requested support were; enforcing the requirement that auditees give timely responses, and discussing performance audit reports that are already before Parliament.
The AG further asked for support in the review of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 to accord the Office adequate time for auditing and also to have a provision imposing sanctions on entities that fail to implement audit recommendations. She also asked for their support in the review of the Public Audit Act, 2015 to accord the Office financial autonomy and safeguard its independence.
The members of Parliament pledged to support the Office, including lobbying for more funds and championing the review of the law to give the Office more time for auditing.
The engagement comes in the backdrop of various interactive sessions that the Office initiated to respond to the needs of our stakeholders. Meetings of this nature held previously include Feedback sessions with Accounting Officers of various sectors such as the County Governments, Principal Secretaries, CEOs of State Corporations and CEOs/Commission Secretaries of Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices. The most recent of these was with Managers of Cities and Municipal Boards.